

Grandview Blacktop Ltd.

Closing Date

Prefer to receive Quotations on or before March 31, 2020.

Revised July 28, 2020


Richard D. Oppelt
Purchasing Manager
Finance & Technology Department
Tel: (604) 590-7274

Request for Quotations

The City invites Quotations from experienced and qualified Contractors for the provision of everything required including all skilled labour, tools, materials, equipment for the 2020 Pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation Program.

Specifications of Goods and Scope of Services

Services to be performed by the Contractor should include but are not limited to the following:

To provide all labour, supervision, materials, equipment, layout, permits, and related services to the Owner’s pavement maintenance program as noted in the drawings.

The general components of Work includes, but not limited to, surface mill, full depth mill, utility cover adjustments and repaving of failed existing pavement cuts and general road failures (e.g. potholes, distressed pavement, etc.) as identified in the attached contract maps and location lists.

Contract Time
The Work under this Contract is to be completed within 120 working days from the Notice to Proceed.

RFQ document for download:
2020 Pavement Restoration – Operations Management (.pdf)
Schedule C - Form of Quotation (.doc)

Addendum No. 1 (.pdf)
Issue Date: March 26, 2020

Addendum No. 2 (.pdf)
Issue Date: March 30, 2020

If the Owner determines that an amendment is required to this RFQ, the Owner’s Representative will post a written addendum on the BC Bid Website at (the “BC Bid Website) and on the Owner Website at (the “Owner Website”) and upon posting will be deemed to form part of this RFQ.  No amendment of any kind to the RFQ is effective unless it is posted in a formal written addendum on the Owner Website.  Upon submitting a QuotationContractors will be deemed to have received notice of all addenda that are posted on the Owner Website.

All inquiries related to this Request for Quotation ("RFQ") should be directed in writing to the contact person named below.