Four kids looking at a museum exhibit.

Are you going to a Youth on the Move or Summer Fun One to One? Learn what to expect during this program.

This story will show you what it is like to participate in Youth on the Move or Summer Fun One to One.

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Going to Youth on the Move or Summer Fun One to One

When I go to my program, I will pack a lunch and a water bottle.

A person holding a black lunch bag and a yellow water bottle.

If it is cold and rainy, I will wear a coat. I can also wear a hat and gloves or mittens.

If it is warm and sunny, I will bring a hat, sunscreen and a swimsuit or change of clothes.

A person zipping up a green jacket.

When I arrive, the leaders will greet me and I will get on the bus. The leaders will tell me the plan for the day. The plan may change, and change may be hard.

Two people in blue t-shirts waving.
A person getting on a bus.

It is important that I listen to and follow the rules for the safety of myself, my friends and the camp leaders.

A person in a blue t-shirt pointing at a poster board.

I can ask questions if I don't understand something.

A leader at the front of the bus with four people sitting and facing them.

When we go out in the community, there is a lot to see and many reasons to be careful. I will stay with our group and have a safe, calm body.

A group of kids walking on a playground.

I will wash my hands or use hand sanitizer regularly, especially before eating snacks or lunch.

A person putting hand sanitizer in someone else's hands.

When I need to use the washroom, I will check in with a leader and follow the washroom rules they give me. This might mean using a specific washroom, going with a friend or lining up.

Kids waiting for the washroom in a lineup.

When the program is finished, the bus will return to the recreation centre and it will be time to go home. I will wait with the leaders for whoever is picking me up. I will say goodbye to my program leaders and go home.

People waving goodbye in front of a bus.