

Sutton Road Marking Ltd.

Closing Date

Prefer to receive Quotations on or before February 14, 2020.

Revised July 28, 2020


Richard D. Oppelt
Purchasing Manager
Finance & Technology Department
Tel: (604) 590-7274

Request for Quotations


The Contractor is required to perform the application of pavement markings either through mechanical extrusion or spray in order to provide delineation, guidelines and information to all users for the safe and efficient movement of all vehicular and pedestrian traffic in accordance with the following specifications and as directed by the City. Pavement markings shall include but not limited to lanes, centre lines, shoulder lines, cross walks, stop bars, single head arrows and double head arrows or any other markings as required by the City. Spray and mechanical extrusion shall be a reflectorized road marking material with high levels of luminance, skid resistance & reflectivity, and durability.

The following specifications apply to all installations (new and re-applications), and shall comply in form and function to BC Ministry of Transportation and Highways Manual of Standard Traffic Signs and Pavement Markings Manual or City "Pavement Marking Manual", or as instructed by the City.


The Contractor is to furnish all of the materials, equipment and personnel necessary to perform placement (new and re-application) of reflective pavement markings in the form of lines and symbols (e.g. lane lines, turn lanes, stop bars and cross-walks)of the type specified herein and requested by the City at various locations. A final list of all pavement marking locations will be issued by the City prior to the start of Services.

When completing re-application of pavement markings, the Contractor is to ensure that new material is installed directly onto the faded portions of the existing markings and that adequate bonding has occurred between the new and existing pavement markings.

The Contractor is to complete all eradication works within three (3) working days, after initial contact. Failure to respond within this time frame will result in non-payment of this item. All work must be completed within five (5) working days.

The 2020 program works consists of approximately the following estimated quantities:
1. Spray thermoplastic 10 cm wide line (1:1 Dense Broken; 3:6:3, Solid) 800,000 lin.m
2. Screed thermoplastic 10 cm wide line (1:1 Dense Broken; 3:6:3, Solid) 200,000 lin.m
3. 20 cm wide line 17,500 lin.m
4. 30 cm wide line 3,000 lin.m
5. 40 cm wide line 4,500 lin.m
6. 60 cm wide line 3,000 lin.m
7. Single Head Arrow 960 arrows
8. Double Head Arrows 130 sets (maximum)
9. Spray MMA 10 cm wide line (1:1 Dense Broken; 3:6:3, Solid)150,000 lin.m
10. Inlaid 10 cm wide thermoplastic line 25,000 lin.m
11. Inlaid 10 cm wide MMA line 25,000 lin.m
12. Coloured MMA Conflict Area 540 square metres
13. Eradication [As, If and When Required]

In the event that the area requiring maintenance work is discovered to be of a non-standard dimension or specification, or that the existing pavement marking material is composed of a substance other than thermoplastic which would adversely affect bonding of the material, the Contractor shall eradicate the entire section of that particular marking and reinstate it with a new material.

It is at the City’s sole discretion to determine the locations where mechanical extrusion or spray road marking materials shall be applied and the quantity of mechanical extrusion or spray material.

The Contractor is to provide a guarantee that all markings laid under this specification will perform to the standards as outlined in Section 5 (c), Material Performance for a minimum of twelve (12) months for spray pavement markings and twenty four (24) months Screed/Mechanical markings. If they fail to meet the specification, the Contractor shall make good any deficiencies, which arise in that period at the Contractor’s sole expense.

The Contractor is to ensure that all roadmarking material is installed and adheres to the roadway surface and is given an even line of good definition.

RFQ document for download:
Pavement Markings (.pdf)
Schedule B - Form of Quotation (.doc)

Addendum No. 1
Issue Date: February 4, 2020

Addendum No. 2
Issue Date: February 6, 2020


If the City determines that an amendment is required to this RFQ, the City’s Representative will issue a written addendum by posting it on the BC Bid Website at (the “BC Bid Website”) and the City Website at (the “City Website”) that will form a part of this RFQ.  It is the responsibility of Contractor to check the BC Bid Website and the City Website for addenda.  The only way this RFQ may be added to, or amended in any way, is by a formal written addendum.  No other communication, whether written or oral, from any person will affect or modify the terms of this RFQ or may be relied upon by any Contractor.  By delivery of a Quotation, the Contractor is deemed to have received, accepted and understood the entire RFQ, including any and all addenda.

All inquiries related to this Request for Quotation ("RFQ") should be directed in writing to the contact person named below.