

Closing Date

April 1, 2025 - 3:00 p.m., local time

Revised March 21, 2025


Sunny Kaila
Manager, Procurement & Payables
Finance Department
Tel:  (604) 590-7274




The Services covered under this project consists of the furnishing of all superintendence, overhead, labour, materials, tools, equipment, insurance, fuel, transportation and all things necessary for and incidental to the satisfactory performance and completion of the construction and renovation of the track and field located at North Surrey Community Park, 96th Ave., Surrey, British Columbia (the “Place of Work”) in strict accordance with the Specifications and accompanying Drawings and subject to all terms and conditions of the Contract.

Place of Work is 15945 – 96Th Ave. (track and field site adjacent to the north-east corner of the park and within and north of North Surrey Secondary School site)

The general components of the Services may include:
• Hoarding, erosion and sediment control, demolition and offsite disposal of all obsolete site components including areas of pavement, drainage and track event fitments;
• Removal and offsite disposal of the existing rubberized running track surfacing;
• Removal of existing asphalt base with offsite disposal;
• Excavation with offsite disposal, supply and placement of import backfill;
• Construction of asphalt base;
• Reconstruction of the existing track event runways and high jump fan;
• Grading and shaping of the adjacent grass areas including supply and placement of sand grown sod;
• Drainage improvements;
• Supply and installation of new rubberized track surfacing material;
• Supply and installation of new running track aluminum curb;
• Installation of all running track, runway and event areas lines and markings;
• Completion of legal survey and Work Athletics Report of Measure documentation; and
• All other components of work shown


If the City determines that an amendment is required to this RFP, the City Representative will issue a written addendum by posting it on the BC Bids website at and the City website at (collectively, the “Websites”), and upon posting, any addenda will form part of this RFP. It is the responsibility of Proponents to check the Websites for addenda. The only way this RFP may be added to, or amended in any way, is by a formal written addendum. No other communication, whether written or oral, from any person will affect or modify the terms of this RFP or may be relied upon by any Proponent. By delivery of a Proposal the Proponent is deemed to have received, accepted and understood the entire RFP, including any and all addenda.

All inquiries related to this RFP should be directed in writing to