Surrey On Screen
In collaboration with City of Surrey Filming Department and Warner Bros.
Date & time
Tickets & pricing
It's Showtime!
Visit one of the largest collections of costumes, props, posters and photographs that Hollywood’s North has to offer! Film production in Surrey impacts the workforce, the economy and how Surrey is seen by its citizens and people outside the city. The exhibit will look at film production in Surrey from three key perspectives - people, profit and places. Through these lenses, the exhibit will show how filming in Surrey informs the city’s identity and shows the legacy of film in Surrey.
Even see a collection of objects used in Surrey film and television productions on loan from Warner Bros. Archives of Los Angeles and artifacts from Surrey Heritage Collection.
Walk the red carpet and take a photo at the MOS step and repeat backdrop
Visit the Cut Out Surrey Movie Personality photo op
Have fun at our green screen station and see yourself on the monitor in Surrey filming locations
Share your Surrey filming memory or brush with fame and add it to the exhibit
Vote for your favorite film made in Surrey at the “Admit One” movie ticket slot