
The Surrey Flattens the Curve campaign highlights the 3 main actions to stop the spread of COVID-19.

Media Release

Explore ways to keep children connected to nature and engaged in stewardship in your own neighbourhood.

Parks & Recreation

Learn about ways to use technology with friends and family.

Parks & Recreation

"With everyone doing their part, we can and will get through this challenging time."

Surrey Bylaws and Surrey RCMP have launched the COVID-19 Compliance and Enforcement Team.
Media Release

Run and play with your dog at these 17 dog off-leash areas in Surrey.

Parks & Recreation

In these challenging and anxious times, it is vital that we present a united front.

Media Release

"COVID-19 can and will be stopped, and the fight begins and ends with each of us."

The City of Surrey's Annual Flat Water and Sewer payment will be extended to July 2.

Media Release

Ideas to keep your kids engaged while school is out.

Parks & Recreation