Schedule a temporary road closure using our online road booking service.

Effective June 1, 2024: Request to Proceed (Road Booking) submissions are no longer required for Traffic Obstruction Permits.

The Road Booking Service is a way for the City to improve traffic on Surrey roads by allowing us to ensure there are no conflicts with other obstructions currently underway and inform road users of potential impacts to their commute.        

Launch Online Road Booking Service

How Road Booking Works

Submit a Request to Book the Road

After a Traffic Obstruction Permit is issued, the permit holder must submit a Request to Proceed for the actual dates the permit will be implemented using our online web app.

  1. Log into the Road Booking Service using the Permit Number and PIN printed on the top right corner of your permit (min. 2 business days in advance of the first obstruction date)
  2. Select an accepted traffic plan
  3. Select the dates you wish to implement the traffic plan (up to 3 weeks from your log in date)
  4. Submit

Obtain an Approval for your Booking Request

  1. City Staff will review your requested dates.
  2. Your Traffic Control Manager will receive an email with the status of your request within 2 business days.
  3. If your request is approved, you will be prompted to log into the web app to obtain your Approval to Proceed. This document must be kept on site.
  4. If your request was not approved, you will be alerted to resubmit your request and select different dates.

Modifying or Cancelling your Request

You can modify your request (add/remove dates) at any time using the online web app.

Tip: Book the road in small increments. For long duration projects, it is recommended to submit your Request to Proceed on a weekly basis. This will reduce the need to submit revised requests.

Traffic Control Manager

Your Traffic Control Manager will be responsible for all aspects of your traffic control and will be the City's point of contact for any matters related to traffic control, and must be available at any time while the obstruction is underway. A Traffic Manager is permit-specific. You are able to select different individuals for different permits, if required.

If the Traffic Control Manager's contact information changes, please contact or visit the Engineering Front Counter at City Hall.