Girls swimming in the pool.

Browse the Digital Recreation Guide for programs offered this spring!

Broad search

  • Best for customers who want to see all activities first and then choose. 

  • Can filter by keyword, course code or date range. 

Broad search

Focused search

  • Best for customers who know exactly what they’re looking for.  
  • Create and save personalized searches to save time. 

Focused Search

Access your recreation account

Already have an account in our online registration system? Log in to review your recreation account.

  • Withdraw from an activity.
  • Add or update your payment information.

Access recreation account

Register by phone

Registration by phone is available. Call 604-501-5100, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm and a customer service representative will be happy to help you.

Register in person

In person registration is available at any Surrey Parks, Recreation & Culture facility during hours of operation. Bring your recreation passcard when you visit. 

Withdraw from a program

To withdraw from a program, log in to your account and follow our How to Withdraw from a Program video.

Alternatively, you can call 604-501-5100, Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm.

If you no longer want to use your Recreation Pass, learn how to receive a refund.


Waitlist spots are offered to people in the order they joined. 

If we have a cancellation, we will contact those on the waitlist in the order that they were added. If the contacted person does not respond by the deadline provided or answer the call in the shorter periods leading up to the activity, we will move onto the next person on the waitlist.

Waiting at the facility may not guarantee space in the activity.

Spring programs

Surrey residents only

Priority registration for Surrey resident is now open!


Non-residents can register for all programs starting March 16 at 9pm.