Housing Accelerator Fund
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) awarded the City of Surrey $95 million as a response to the action plan created to address the delivery of housing and support affordable housing projects in Surrey.
The Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) provides incentives to local governments by encouraging initiatives aimed at increasing the housing supply. The HAF will help improve the development approval process through an action plan designed to:
- Facilitate the delivery of housing in the short and long term;
- Enhance the certainty in the permit approval process;
- Increase access to affordable housing;
- Continue to support the development of complete communities that are sustainable and inclusive; and
- Further position Surrey as a destination for investment.
Action plan
The action plan outlines our continued commitment to deliver excellent services and enhancements through technology, innovation and engagement with the community. The action plan was developed and includes several initiatives aimed at increasing the housing supply in the short and long term.
This inter-departmental collaboration between Planning & Development, Engineering, Community Services, Corporate Services and Finance will implement the action plan over the next three years. The action plan will be implemented progressively and progress will be highlighted on this webpage.
Creation of incentives programs
Year one update
We've created two short-term project incentives to stimulate and accelerate the developing of housing units in Surrey.
Rapid Transit Development Incentives Program
The Rapid Transit Development Incentives Program encourages and accelerates the development of housing units near existing rapid transit, including existing SkyTrain stations and RapidBus corridors, by offering a 50% rebate on certain planning, engineering, and building permit application fees.
Non-Market Rental Housing Development Incentives Program
The Non-Market Rental Housing Development Program encourages and accelerates the development of non-market rental housing units by offering:
- An exemption on Surrey Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and Community Amenity Contributions (CACs).
- A 50% rebate on certain planning, engineering, and building permit application fees.
Learn more about the eligibility criteria and rebate information for the incentive programs.
Expand the permitting timelines program
In July 2022, the City launched the Guaranteed Permitting Timelines Program with the introduction of guaranteed processing times for single-family building permits, tenant improvement building permits, and rezoning applications.
Through the HAF grant, we will increase the scope of the program across high-volume permit types with the:
- Implementation of processing timelines in additional permitting areas, including townhouse building permits, low-rise building permits, high-rise building permits, and rezoning applications with plan amendments;
- Establishment of incremental performance measures at key milestones in the approval process to provide additional insights into the approval process and seek to reduce the overall application processing times for applicants; and
- Exploration of policies to promote project completion, lowering the amount of idle land in Surrey.
Year one update
- Introduction of the Development and Permit Approval Targets: Expand on the Guaranteed Permitting Timelines Program to include a range of development types, including townhouses, low-rise and high-rise projects. In early 2025, staff will update the City's permit timelines on the website to reflect the expanded applicant experience approval times.
- Introduced and updated policies to streamline project completion and discourage unit vacancy:
- Pilot program for early permit submission: Introduced a pilot program for early building permit submission for single-family homes before subdivision approval.
- Stormwater drainage policy revisions: Updated policies for single-family lots to simplify stormwater drainage requirements.
- Advisory design panel process updates: revised the process to expedite project approvals for projects requiring design review.
Increase the use of professional reliance
This initiative seeks to review and implement professional reliance in the development approval process.
- Delegate some decision-making authority to trusted qualified professionals.
- Increase the speed of the permit issuance process.
- Provide the City and development industry with further clarity to the legal framework around professional reliance.
- Enhancements to the existing professional reliance programs, including the Certified Professional Program.
Leverage digital permitting
Digital permitting, supplemented with artificial intelligence (AI), can provide significant improvements to the permitting process, allowing for enhanced transparency, reduced errors, process automation, and reduced costs.
In 2020, the City began the shift toward digital permitting with the Citizen Portal which enables digital permitting for municipalities using AMANDA as their land management system. Several new and improved online permitting capabilities have been enabled, including electrical permit applications, plumbing permit applications, building permit inspection requests and cross connection control permit data management.
We will continue to leverage digital permitting capabilities for enhanced transparency and increased efficiency, including:
- Provide end-to-end online permitting capabilities for building, planning, and engineering permits;
- Research and implement AI-powered digital compliance capabilities to support staff in evaluating submissions; and
- Research and develop an AI-powered development inquiry tool to better support applicants in understanding development requirements and fostering increased development.
Year one update
- Continuous improvements to the Development Inquiry Assistant (DIA) tool: Provides enhanced support for zoning and development inquiries.
- Contract award to Archistar: Implemented an automated rule-based bylaw compliance tool to streamline zoning reviews.
- Revamped permitting portal: Improved the Online Development Inquiry (ODI) to include single-family building permit information and expanded trade permitting and inspection request capabilities.
Increase the supply of multi-unit housing near transit
This initiative intends to update the City’s Zoning Bylaw and policies to readily accommodate high density residential uses within rapid transit corridors.
Zoning Bylaw updates
- Create new multi-family zones (six-storey, mid-rise, mixed use zones);
- Introduce rental zoning as an option within multi-family zones; and
- Reduce parking requirements for rental near rapid transit.
Policy updates
- NCP review and update of South Newton and King George Corridor; update old designations;
- Review land use designations in the Official Community Plan (OCP) to permit higher density along rapid transit without the need for undertaking a Neighbourhood Concept Plan (NCP) amendment;
- Review use of pre-approved multi-family plans
Support the creation of missing middle housing
This initiative will be facilitated by implementing updates and amendments to policy framework.
- Supports diversifying housing stock in existing infill neighbourhoods to support the 15-minute neighbourhood concept, as well as market responsive designations in new neighbourhood plan areas.
- Facilitated by implementing the necessary policy and regulatory framework to permit Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) and other additional units “as of right” through Zoning Bylaw updates to existing zones as well as creation of new zones.
- It will be further supported by amendments to the OCP and development of Design Guidelines for preapproved ADU plans.
Increase the supply of below market affordable housing
This initiative aims to remove barriers to the provision of below market housing units through analysis of financial considerations based on Surrey’s market context as well as implementation of policies, regulations, and processes toward increasing the supply of affordable housing.
- Partner with external agencies to expediate affordable rental housing and building permit issuance for pre-approved plans;
- Explore "as of right" zoning for below market affordable and supportive housing units that are OCP compliant;
- Review the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) amounts for the Affordable Housing Fund; and
- Review affordable housing policies
Increase staffing capacity
The City seeks to provide short-term and inform long-term staffing opportunities to existing and new staff.
- Review and increase staffing capacity
- Introduce temporary project positions
- Seek to inform long-term staffing plans
Action plan progress update
The City has implemented more than 25 major process improvements to accelerate housing and development. The table showcases each initiative and its progress.
Initiative | Year 1 Milestone | Year 2 Milestone | Year 3 Milestone |
Provide development incentives for multi-family and affordable units | Completed | On schedule | Not started |
Expand the permitting timelines program | Completed | Ahead of schedule | N/A |
Increase the use of professional reliance in the permit approval process | Completed | Ahead of schedule | N/A |
Digital permitting program, including artificial intelligence (AI) | Completed | Ahead of schedule | Not started |
Increase supply of multi-unit housing near transit | Completed | On schedule | N/A |
Support the creation of missing middle housing supply | Completed | Ahead of schedule | N/A |
Increase below market affordable housing supply | Completed | On schedule | N/A |
Review and increase staff capacity | Completed | On schedule | N/A |
Action plan year two priorities
The City will continue to expand on year one accomplishments and streamline development and permitting approval processes. Year two will focus on:
- Modernized approval processes, which includes digital plan reviews, consolidation of review comments, and referral process streamlining.
- Continuing to enhance policies around early excavation for multi-family housing, phased amenity charges, and an inactive file closure policy.
- Expand professional reliance including, enhancements to the Certified Professional program, environmental reviews and geotechnical assessments.
- Increased access to more online permitting services, including additional functionality in development planning, Road Right-of-Way permits, and Traffic Obstruction permits.
- Defining minimum application and resubmission requirements to improve processing efficiency.
- Drafting standard provisions for six-storey, mid-rise (10-20 storeys), and high-rise (20+ storeys) zones.
- Investigating pre-approved plans for accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and six-storey buildings.
- Developing inclusionary zoning policy and update rental redevelopment policies.
- Explore phased amenity charges at building permits.
Corporate reports
R026: One-Year Update on the Housing Accelerator Fund, February 24, 2025
R234: Introduction of Development and Permit Approvals Targets, November 18, 2024
R233: Launch of the Multi-Family and Complex Building Permitting Portal, November 18, 2024
R121: Housing Accelerator Fund Six-Month Update and Spending Plan, June 24, 2024
R117: Award of Contract for an Automated Rule-Based Zoning By-Law Compliance Tool, June 24, 2024
R067: Housing Accelerator Fund Development Incentives, April 8, 2024
R056: Establishment of the Development Inquiry Assistant, April 8, 2024
R016: Housing Accelerator Fund Application Update, January 29, 2024