Lionel Courchene Park
Check out a baseball league game or take your team down for practice at Lionel Courchene Park.
Operating hours
Dawn until Dusk
Park information
Lionel Courchene Park is located between Johnston Heights Secondary and William F. Davidson Elementary School in Guildford. Parking is available from 99 Avenue and 154 Street.
Lionel Courchene Park features four baseball diamonds, a t-ball diamond, a soccer field and a washroom building. Two of the larger diamonds are equipped with bleachers for league play. The fields are busy in the summer, so be sure to book a field if you are interested in a game or team practice.
Lionel Courchene Community Gardens
Lionel Courchene Park is home to two community gardens:
- a programmed Growing Roots Community Garden managed by DIVERSEcity that supports the integration of newcomers to Canada; and
- General garden plots available for neighbours, schools and other community partners facilitated by community garden members.
All garden plots are farmed by individual residents, so please be respectful of their efforts.
Growing Roots Community Garden at Lionel Courchene
The Growing Roots Community Garden, along with the Hazelnut Meadows Community Garden, is operated by the non-profit group DIVERSEcity. Both gardens are part of DIVERSEcity's Food Security Program, which provides opportunities for immigrant, refugee and low income families to increase their food security through multicultural cooking groups and community garden activities.
Contact Sasikala Sridar at 604-547-1378 or email garden@dcrs.ca to inquire about plot availability.
Lionel Courchene Community Garden
General plots are gardened by neighbourhood residents, including local schools. Some beds are gardened collaboratively and the site is also home to several fruit trees. The garden is managed by members.
Email Linda at lionelcourchenecommunitygarden@gmail.com for plot availability, or call 604-501-5050 and we will have someone from the garden get back to you.
Explore more community gardens in Surrey.