
Find out how you can improve your neighbourhood with a Neighbourhood Enhancement Grant.

What's your idea to beautify or enhance your neighbourhood? Apply for one of our grants to get support with your project.


Who can apply
  • All Surrey residents, community groups, businesses and associations can apply.
  • Small businesses will be considered for street or landscaping beautification projects.
  • Projects must take place in Surrey.

Who cannot apply

  • Government agencies, political or partisan groups, formal business associations, universities, exclusive clubs or associations, newspapers and non‐Surrey‐based organizations (based or originating).
  • Applicants who have failed to document a community contribution.
  • Applicants who have failed to successfully carry out or maintain a project for which a grant was previously awarded.
Your commitment to the project
  • You must match grant money with contributions of volunteer labour and services, donated materials and/or cash. This way, both you as the applicant and we as the City contribute equally towards the project.
  • You need to commit to overseeing the project and any resulting maintenance.
Grant criteria

You must show that your project or activity will:

  • Focus on beautifying, celebrating and creating engaging places in Surrey.
  • Generate a public benefit in an inclusive and cooperative manner.
  • Involve members of the community in the project and have broad neighbourhood support

Grants will not be awarded for, nor should they be used to:

  • Duplicate an existing public or private program.
  • Support ongoing programs or services.
  • Replace funding lost from other sources or provide gap funding.
  • Pay for the applicants operating expenses that are not directly related to the project for which the grant is awarded.
  • Purchase land or buildings.
  • Pay for out of City travel expenses.
  • Pay for expenditures or financial commitments made before the organization’s grant application was submitted.

Small project grants

Maximum $3,000
Applications must be submitted a minimum of two months prior to the project start date.
Projects must be completed within twelve months of a grant being awarded

The Neighbourhood Small Project Grant supports planning, organizing and carrying out projects that improve the physical appearance of your neighbourhood.

Some ideas include:

  • Create a neighbourhood garden
  • Landscape a boulevard
  • Clean up a vacant property
  • Plant some flowering trees
  • Create a neighbourhood entrance feature

You can also think of your own project idea—we encourage creativity!

See details

Celebration & activity grants

Maximum $1,000
Projects must be completed within six months of a grant being awarded

The Celebration & Activity Grant supports encouraging community activism and celebration. These projects should develop neighbourhood organization and promote community leadership. 

Usually, neighbours get together and determine a project to improve their community. A community celebration will encourage people to get involved in improving their neighbourhood in the long term.

Some ideas include:

  • Hosting a block party (you may be eligible for up to $500)
  • Organizing a neighbourhood festival
  • Running a street cleanup day

See details


How to apply for a grant

We accept applications all year.

  1. Check if your project idea qualifies: email neighbourhoods@surrey.ca with a brief description of your project to find out if your project will qualify.
  2. Email your application to neighbourhoods@surrey.ca or drop it off at the Parks & Recreation counter at City Hall.
  3. If you are applying to host a block party, you must also fill out the block party application form and send to neighbourhoods@surrey.ca.

Application review process

Grant applications are reviewed on a monthly basis, and the reviewal process can take up to 3-5 weeks.

Each application will be evaluated by a grant evaluation committee using the following evaluation criteria and within available funding:

Overall community enhancement program objective

Project corresponds with the objective to “beautify, animate and celebrate Surrey”

Project proposal & feasibility
  • Provides a clear description of what the project is and why it is proposed.
  • Provides a clear public benefit.
  • Is well planned with a realistic timeline and a clear beginning and end.
  • Has a reasonable budget.
Community building
  • Community contribution is documented, demonstrating broad community participation and support for the project.
  • Encourages inclusive community participation and provides opportunity to bring people together.
  • Encourages interaction between different groups, such as different cultural groups, tenants, seniors and business owners.
  • Encourages collaboration between all age groups, particularly youth and adults.
  • There is a clear understanding of how the community will be improved as a result of the project, with anticipated outcomes clearly documented.
  • Project is designed for low maintenance and the applicant and stakeholders commit to project maintenance, with the majority of maintenance undertaken by the applicant.  

Final approval

Once approved by the grant evaluation committee, you will be issued an acceptance letter.

Once you’ve received approval, purchase what you need for your project. You'll submit your receipts after your project for reimbursement

After your project

Submit your receipts and photos

After your project, submit your receipts with photos of your completed event or project to neighbourhoods@surrey.ca. We use photos as a record and potentially to share as good news in different ways. 

Maintain your project

You need to keep your project in good shape.

  • Awarded projects may be subject to inspection by City staff.
  • Applicants that have failed to undertake or maintain projects, as outlined on submitted applications, may be eliminated from consideration for future City grant opportunities.
  • We reserve the right to remove any physical installations or improvements on public land at any time.